FIS gifting video
Watch this video to learn more about gifting.
How to manage your Utilities Allowance
Your options and obligations when you get this payment.
When and how to tell us about your travel payments while outside Australia
When you hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, you may need to tell us if you’re leaving Australia.
Membership in the Pension Bonus Scheme
Only accruing membership can count toward your Pension Bonus.
Understanding redundancy payments FIS video
Watch this video to find out what you need to consider if you get a redundancy payment.
Things that affect your payment
There are a number of things that can affect your payment.
Cancelled Pension Supplement
If we cancel your support payment, your Pension Supplement will stop from the same date.
Social security agreements with other countries can affect your Age Pension
If you lived in another country and are able to get a pension from them, you need to tell us.
How much Pension Bonus top up you can get
How much Pension Bonus top up you can get depends on how much Age Pension we paid you.
FIS investing basics information online
We have information online to help you understand basic investing.