Centrelink online account help - Update income and assets details - your other income details
Instructions on how to update your other income details using your Centrelink online account.
Pension Bonus Top Up
An extra payment if you've already got a Pension Bonus payment.
FIS selling the family home video
Watch this video to learn more about how selling the family home can affect your payment.
Terms and conditions of the Home Equity Access Scheme
You’ll need to accept terms and conditions to take part in the Home Equity Access Scheme.
How much you can get under the Pension Bonus Scheme
How much Pension Bonus you can get depends on your circumstances.
How much Utilities Allowance you can get
We’ll pay the allowance with your regular payment. We pay you on or after 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December each year.
Who can get a payment under the Pension Bonus Scheme
You can't register for the Pension Bonus Scheme anymore. This means only existing Pension Bonus Scheme members may be able to get the bonus.
Travel outside Australia rules for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
There are rules about how long your Commonwealth Seniors Health Card remains current when you travel outside Australia.
Special rules to get Rent Assistance when you get Disability Support Pension
To get Rent Assistance with DSP when you are younger than 21 years old, you must meet some special rules.
FIS lump sums information online
We have information online about different types of lump sums you may get.