Home Equity Access Scheme advance payment examples
Examples of Home Equity Access Scheme advance payment calculations.
Home Equity Access Scheme variation form (SA497)
Use this form to make changes to your or your partner’s Home Equity Access Scheme if you’re not registered for online services.
Australian Pension News
Information for people living outside Australia who get a Centrelink payment. We publish Australian Pension News once a year in October.
Special rules to get Rent Assistance when you get JobSeeker Payment
To get Rent Assistance with JobSeeker Payment, you must meet some special rules.
Allowances while getting an income support payment
Some work related allowances are assessable income and can affect your payment amount.
Ways to access your super when thinking about retirement
If you have superannuation, it can help you financially during your retirement years.
FIS retirement information online
We have information online to help you understand retirement.
Request for ophthalmologist/optometrist report form (SA013)
Use this form if you are claiming Age Pension or Disability Support Pension on the basis of permanent blindness.
Pension Bonus Scheme
You can’t register for the Pension Bonus Scheme anymore. If you registered before 1 July 2014 and kept working, you may get a lump sum pension bonus payment.
FIS inheritance video
Watch this video to learn about how FIS can help you if you get an inheritance.