Regular deductions using Centrepay
You can use our free and voluntary service to pay bills as regular deductions from your Centrelink payments.
Upload your Child Support documents online
Use your Child Support online account or the Express Plus Child Support mobile app to upload and submit documents.
Update your relationship status for Child Care Subsidy
If your relationship status changes throughout the year, you need to let us know.
Seasonal, Contract and Intermittent Work Details form (SU496)
Use this form to tell us about any seasonal, contract or intermittent work you or your partner has done in the 6 months prior to claiming an income support payment.
Experiencing exceptional circumstances for Parental Leave Pay for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023
You may get Parental Leave Pay for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023 in exceptional circumstances if you aren’t the birth mother or adoptive parent.
Family Tax Benefit Account Payable notice
If you get Family Tax Benefit (FTB) you need to confirm your family income each year. If you don’t, we’ll send you an Account Payable notice.
Australian Organ Donor Register form (NH007DF)
Use this form to register, change, or remove your donation decision on the Australian Organ Donor Register.
International bank account form (AUS178)
Use this form to tell us your bank account details if you can get your Centrelink payment outside Australia.
Managing overpayments of Parental Leave Pay for a child born or adopted from 1 July 2023
Understand what happens if you get a Parental Leave Pay overpayment for a child born or adopted from 1 July 2023.
Paying bills using Centrepay
You can use the Centrepay bill paying service to pay any business registered to accept Centrepay as a payment method.