What affects your Parental Leave Pay for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023
What can affect Parental Leave Pay for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023.
Response to application to change your assessment - Special circumstances form (CS1971)
Use this form to respond to a change of child support assessment application.
How to get reminders to report income to Centrelink
If you have to report your income each fortnight, we’ll send you an SMS reminder on the day your report is due.
How to build savings
We have tools and information to help you reach your savings goal. Big or small, any savings goals are good to have.
How to manage Centrepay
You can choose to manage the Centrepay bill paying service yourself or ask someone to help you.
Parental leave for a child born or adopted from 1 July 2023 and the Fair Work Ombudsman
The Fair Work Ombudsman can help you understand your unpaid parental leave entitlements under the Fair Work Act.
When you have a child support agreement while you get FTB Part A
You need to know how this affects your FTB.
Disputed care and interim periods
Disputed care is when parents stop following a written care arrangement without both parents agreeing to do so. An interim period may apply when this happens.
What happens if you change how you transfer child support while you get FTB Part A
If you change how you collect child support, it could impact your FTB Part A. It could also impact our ability to recover underpayments of child support.
Examples to help you balance your family assistance payments
To help you find out what you need to do to balance your family assistance based on your circumstances.