Most viewed payments for Growing up

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
  2. What payment you can get and how much

Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme payment types

Your child’s living arrangements determine which allowance or supplement you get.

  1. How to balance your payment
  2. Balancing Child Care Subsidy

Understanding your Child Care Subsidy balancing outcome

Once we’ve balanced your Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments we’ll let you know the outcome in writing.

  1. Top payments
  2. Energy Supplement

Who can get Energy Supplement

To get Energy Supplement you must get a certain payment or card from us.

  1. Growing up
  2. Teenage years

What happens when your child turns 19

When your child turns 19, your eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) stops. There are also some things to know if they start tertiary study.

  1. Self service
  2. Centrelink self service

Electronic messaging

A service that lets you get important text messages or emails from us. You don’t need an online account for this.

Ordinary waiting period

You may have to wait for a week before your payment starts. We will let you know when you claim if this applies to you.

  1. Energy Supplement
  2. How much you can get

Payment rates for Energy Supplement on Parenting Payment

If you get Parenting Payment the Energy Supplement amount you get depends on your and your partner’s circumstances and the payment or services you get.

Veteran Payment affects your income support payment

Information to help you make a choice between Veteran Payment and an income support payment.

Paid Parental Leave counted as income

We treat Paid Parental Leave (PPL) as taxable income. This means Parental Leave Pay counts in your income test for payments from us.

  1. Rent Assistance
  2. Who can get it

Special rules to get Rent Assistance when you get ABSTUDY Living Allowance

To get Rent Assistance with ABSTUDY Living Allowance, you must meet some special rules.

Search results summary and pagination

468 results, showing 261 to 270
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60118