Most viewed payments for Growing up

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Asset types
  2. Granny flat interest

How we assess granny flat interests

You need to tell us the value of the granny flat interest so we can assess if this affects your payments.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Cancel a nominee

How to cancel a nominee arrangement using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Retirement years
  2. Most useful information

Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf (outside Australia) form (AUS221)

Use this form if you want to nominate a person or organisation outside Australia to act on your behalf with Centrelink.

Funeral bonds and prepaid funerals

Funeral costs you pay for in advance normally don’t count in your assets test for payments from us. There are some exceptions.

  1. Special Benefit
  2. How to manage your payment

Overdrawn bank account

You can get help to access your money if you have an overdrawn bank account.

  2. High school, university or other higher education students

ABSTUDY for full time higher education study

There’s ABSTUDY support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students doing an approved higher education course full time.

  1. Growing up
  2. Most useful information

Claim for an annual lump sum payment of Family Tax Benefit - A payment to help families with the cost of raising children for the 2023-24 financial year form (FA048)

Use this form to claim an annual lump sum payment of Family Tax Benefit for the 2023-2024 financial year.

  1. Centrepay
  2. How to use it

Set up Centrepay deductions

It’s easy to set up Centrepay deductions.

  1. Assets test
  2. Asset types

Business structures

Your business structure may affect your and your partner’s payments from us.

  1. Growing up
  2. Most useful information

Unreasonable to live at home form (MOD Y)

Use this form if your personal circumstances make it unreasonable for you to live at home and you’re claiming Disability Support Pension.

Search results summary and pagination

468 results, showing 231 to 240
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60118