Most viewed payments for Growing up

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Top payments
  2. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme

Who can get Assistance for Isolated Children

Your child must home school, do distance education or board away from home for an approved reason to get Assistance for Isolated Children . Isolation rules also apply.

  1. Managing your money
  2. Most useful information

Claim for Special Employment Advance form (SU514)

Use this form to claim a special employment advance.

  1. Additional Child Care Subsidy
  2. How much you can get

Temporary Financial Hardship additional child care subsidy amount

You’ll be able to access 100 hours of subsidised care each fortnight for your child.

Demerits and penalties for not meeting mutual obligation or participation requirements

Job seekers could get demerits and financial penalties for not meeting mutual obligation.

  1. Child Care Subsidy
  2. How to manage your payment

If you increase your child care hours for Child Care Subsidy

You don’t need to let us know if you start using more child care, or your days change.

  1. How to manage your payment
  2. Report a change in circumstances

Update your relationship status for Child Care Subsidy

If your relationship status changes throughout the year, you need to let us know.

  1. How to balance your payment
  2. Balancing Family Tax Benefit

Understanding your Family Tax Benefit balancing outcome

Once we’ve balanced your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) we’ll let you know the outcome in writing.

  1. Top payments
  2. Energy Supplement

How much Energy Supplement you can get

How much Energy Supplement you get depends on your circumstances and the payment you get.

Income specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

If you or your partner earn an income or someone gives you money from any source, you need to let us know.

  1. Additional Child Care Subsidy
  2. How much you can get

Child Wellbeing subsidy amount

You’ll be able to access 100 hours of subsidised care each fortnight for the child.

Search results summary and pagination

468 results, showing 241 to 250
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60118