How to manage your Rent Assistance
Your options and obligations for Rent Assistance.
Pause of requirements
Sometimes there may be a pause of your mutual obligation or participation requirements.
Get information about Parenting Payment and Child Support
You may be able to get Parenting Payment and add your baby to a current child support assessment.
When to report your income to Centrelink
If you’re getting an income support payment, we’ll tell you when you need to report any other income you get.
Rural customers and primary producers
Some rural properties and farms have more than one title or larger blocks than residential properties. The asset test rules are different for these properties.
Claim for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) form (SY040)
Use this form to claim Assistance for Isolated Children if your child cannot go to the nearest state school because of geographical isolation or a special need.
Double Orphan Pension
A regular payment if you’re caring for a child whose parents can’t care for them or have died.
Balancing dates if you were single and got income support
If you were single and got an income support payment for the entire financial year, we may balance your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) without you doing anything.
Transition to Work activity requirements additional child care subsidy
There are a number of activities that count towards your requirements. These include studying, looking for a job, working or training.
How to claim Assistance for Isolated Children
Complete the following steps to claim Assistance for Isolated Children. Before you start, check if you can get it.