Most viewed payments for Domestic violence

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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If you give away your income or assets, they may still count towards your income and assets tests. This also applies if you sell them for less than they’re worth.


Superannuation is a long term savings structure to help fund your retirement.

  1. Crisis Payment
  2. Crisis Payment for other extreme circumstances

How much Crisis Payment for Other Extreme Circumstances you can get

You can get this Crisis Payment once per incident or extreme circumstance.

Income Stream Reviews

Each financial year we review certain types of income streams. We do this to ensure we assess your payments and concession cards correctly.

  1. Top payments
  2. Special Benefit

Who can get Special Benefit

You may get Special Benefit if you’re not eligible for any other income support and you meet the eligibility rules.

Proving your identity over the phone with Centrelink

How to prove who you are over the phone.

  1. Living with disability
  2. Most useful information

Verification of medical conditions form (SU684)

Use this form to verify medical conditions affecting your capacity to work if you need an Employment Services Assessment.

  1. Crisis Payment
  2. Crisis Payment for extreme circumstances family and domestic violence

How to protect yourself when you claim a Crisis Payment for Extreme Circumstances Family and Domestic Violence

It’s important to consider how to claim safely. This may include changing your details or nominee arrangements.

  1. Top payments
  2. Medicare card

Add someone to a Medicare card

You can update your card when your circumstances change.

  1. Living arrangements
  2. Family and domestic violence

Where to get help for domestic violence

Get help accessing our payments and connecting to local support services like legal and housing support.

Search results summary and pagination

187 results, showing 41 to 50
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60133