Most viewed payments for Caring for elderly

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  1. Getting aged care services
  2. Most useful information

Residential Aged Care Property details for Services Australia and DVA customers form (SA485)

Use this form to give us your home details if you get a relevant income support payment.

  1. Prove your identity
  2. Proving your identity online

How to prove your identity to Centrelink using your Digital ID

How to prove who you are to Centrelink using your Digital ID.

  1. Caring for elderly
  2. Most useful information

Aged Care Claim for financial hardship assistance form (SA462)

Use this form to claim financial hardship assistance for your aged care costs.

What to report when you report income to Centrelink

We need to know the gross employment income you and your partner get so we can pay you the right amount.

  1. Caring for someone
  2. Most useful information

Carer Allowance - Medical Report for a child under 16 years form (SA426)

Use this form as part of the assessment of eligibility for Carer Allowance.

  1. Top payments
  2. Aged care calculation of your cost of care

How to apply for an aged care calculation of your cost of care

Follow the steps to apply for an aged care calculation of your cost of care.

Sole trader or partnership income

Business income is counted in the income test.

  1. Getting aged care services
  2. Most useful information

Private Trust form (MOD PT)

Use this form if in the last 5 years, you or your partner have been involved with or have transferred funds or assets to a private trust that has not been vested.

  1. Asset types
  2. Gifting

How gifting can affect your payment

If you or your partner gift money, income or assets, we may assess it in your income and assets tests.

How we use adjusted taxable income

What you claim determines how we work out your adjusted taxable income.

Search results summary and pagination

278 results, showing 71 to 80
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60151