Choosing between Carer Payment and Age Pension
In some situations, you can choose to get Carer Payment or Age Pension.
Caring for older Australians
Information and resources to help you care for an older Australian.
Carer Allowance rules for the person you care for
To get this payment, both you and the person you care for need to meet some rules.
Who can get Carer Allowance
To get this payment, both you and the person you care for need to meet some rules.
Rules for the person you care for to get Carer Payment
The person you care for must meet rules for you to get Carer Payment.
How much Carer Allowance you can get
Carer Allowance is $159.30 each fortnight.
Advance payment
You may get part of your income support payment or Family Tax Benefit (Part A) early. This is an advance payment. You pay it back later out of your payments from us.
Residence rules for Carer Allowance
To be eligible for Carer Allowance you must meet the residence rules.
Weekly payment option
Some people can get income support payments paid each week instead of each fortnight.
Caring for someone with dementia
Resources to help you care for someone with dementia.