Choosing between Carer Payment and Age Pension
In some situations, you can choose to get Carer Payment or Age Pension.
Aged Care Claim for financial hardship assistance form (SA462)
Use this form to claim financial hardship assistance for your aged care costs.
Who can get Carer Allowance
To get this payment, both you and the person you care for need to meet some rules.
Carer Allowance rules for the person you care for
To get this payment, both you and the person you care for need to meet some rules.
How much Carer Allowance you can get
Carer Allowance is $159.30 each fortnight.
Eligible equipment for Essential Medical Equipment Payment
You can only get the Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP) if you use certain equipment in your home.
Claim for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card form (SA296)
Use this form to claim a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card if you are age pension age.
Residence rules for Carer Allowance
To be eligible for Carer Allowance you must meet the residence rules.
Asset types
Assets are property or items you or your partner own in full or part, or have an interest in. They can affect your payment.
Rules for the person you care for to get Carer Payment
The person you care for must meet rules for you to get Carer Payment.