Most useful information for Separated parents

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. How to manage your assessment
  2. Overpayments

Recovering child and spousal support payments

How we enforce payments of overdue amounts of child support and spousal support.

  1. Natural disaster
  2. Most useful information

Verification of voluntary work form (SU462)

Job seekers and voluntary work organisations can use this form.

Advance payment

You may get part of your income support payment or Family Tax Benefit (Part A) early. This is an advance payment. You pay it back later out of your payments from us.

Proving your identity in person for a Centrelink payment

How to prove who you are in person at a service centre.

Proving your identity online for Centrelink

How to prove who you are to Centrelink online.

  1. Separated parents
  2. Separating

Update your details with us when you’re separating

It’s important to update your details with us if you get a payment. This is so we pay you the right amount.

  1. Top payments
  2. Child support assessment

How to apply for a child support assessment

The easiest way to apply is online.

  1. Child support assessment
  2. How to manage your assessment

Changing your child support assessment in special circumstances

We can change your child support in special circumstances if the change is fair to both parents and the child.

  1. Separated parents
  2. Separating

Guide for newly separated parents

A list of tasks you may want to do when going through separation.

  1. Top payments
  2. Limited child support agreement

What you need to do for a limited child support agreement

The agreement can include payment of cash or non-cash items, such as school fees and health insurance.

Search results summary and pagination

400 results, showing 1 to 10
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60125