Most useful information for Seeking medical help

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  1. Refugee Servicing Network
  2. When you arrive

Refugee Servicing Network health services

If you have a valid visa, you may be able to get health care and Medicare.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Lost earnings you can claim through the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

If you were employed when you suffered the harm, you may be able to claim lost earnings.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Out of pocket expenses you can claim through the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

If you had to pay or will pay for treatment of the harm you suffered, you may be able to claim out of pocket expenses.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Paid attendant care services you can claim through the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

If you received or will receive care support when you suffered the harm, you may be able to claim paid attendant care costs.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Gratuitous attendant care you can claim through the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

If you received or will receive care support when you suffered the harm, you may be able to claim gratuitous attendant care costs.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Loss of capacity to provide domestic services you can claim through the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

If you had dependants when you suffered the harm, you may be able to claim lost capacity to provide domestic services.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Pain and suffering you can claim through the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

As part of your experience with the vaccine harm, you may be able to claim for pain and suffering.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs you can claim through the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We’ll make this payment to the deceased’s estate.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
  2. What costs you can claim

Third party payments for the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme

You need to tell us if you received or will receive third party payments for losses you’re applying for under the COVID-19 Vaccine Claim Scheme.

  1. Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment
  2. How to claim

7 October 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks for Australian Victims of terrorism Overseas Payment open for claims

Forms to claim the Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) for the 7 October 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks.

Search results summary and pagination

321 results, showing 311 to 320
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60182