Most useful information for Seeking medical help

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Top payments
  2. Individual Healthcare Identifiers

How to get an Individual Healthcare Identifier

Find out how to get an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI).

  1. When you spend a lot on PBS medicines
  2. PBS Safety Net Card application

How to get a replacement or supplementary card

How to get a replacement PBS Safety Net card or an extra card for a family member.

  1. Top payments
  2. Child Dental Benefits Schedule

What’s covered by the Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Find out what child dental services we cover and how much we cover.

  1. Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
  2. When you spend a lot on PBS medicines

Keep track of your PBS medicines

Keep track of your PBS medicines so you know when you’ve reached the PBS Safety Net threshold.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Medicare online help guides

Medicare online account help - Get a replacement or extra Medicare card

Instructions on how you can get a replacement or extra Medicare card using your Medicare online account.

  1. Top payments
  2. Pensioner Concession Card

Who can get a Pensioner Concession Card

You can get a Pensioner Concession Card if you get certain payments from us.

  1. Health Care Card
  2. Who can get a card

What the benefits are of a Health Care Card

A Health Care Card entitles you to cheaper prescription medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

  1. Top payments
  2. External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program

How to claim External Breast Prosthesis Reimbursement Program

Complete the following steps to claim a reimbursement after you've purchased your external prosthesis. Before you start, check if you can get it.

  1. Pensioner Concession Card
  2. Who can get a card

Benefits of a Pensioner Concession Card

With a Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) you can get cheaper medicine, bulk billed doctor visits and help with hearing services.

  1. Top payments
  2. Pensioner Concession Card

How to manage your Pensioner Concession Card

Your options and obligations for a Pensioner Concession Card.

Search results summary and pagination

324 results, showing 11 to 20
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60182