Paying tax on a Centrelink payment
You may have to pay income tax on your taxable Centrelink payments.
Payment schedule and rates for people outside Australia
We’ll pay your pension differently if you live outside Australia on a permanent or long term basis.
Advance payment
You may get part of your income support payment or Family Tax Benefit (Part A) early. This is an advance payment. You pay it back later out of your payments from us.
Asset types
Assets are property or items you or your partner own in full or part, or have an interest in. They can affect your payment.
Deeming rules are used to work out income from your financial assets. We add this to your other income and apply the income test to work out your payment rate.
Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313)
Use this form to authorise a person or organisation in Australia to be your nominee so they can enquire or act on your behalf with Centrelink.
Superannuation is a long term savings structure to help fund your retirement.
Weekly payment option
Some people can get income support payments paid each week instead of each fortnight.
Who can get Family Tax Benefit
You need to meet eligibility requirements to get Family Tax Benefit (FTB).
How much Parenting Payment you can get
How much Parenting Payment you can get depends on your and your partner’s circumstances.