Most useful information for Medicare

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Top payments
  2. Reciprocal Health Care Agreements

When Reciprocal health care agreements apply and you visit Australia

Information for visitors to Australia on Reciprocal Health Care Agreements.

Setting up online accounts for Centrelink

To do your business with us, create a myGov account and link it to Centrelink.

Severe financial hardship for Crisis Payment

For the purposes of Crisis Payment, you’re in severe financial hardship if you meet certain criteria.

  1. Growing up
  2. Most useful information

Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313)

Use this form to authorise a person or organisation in Australia to be your nominee so they can enquire or act on your behalf with Centrelink.

  1. When Australians go overseas
  2. About reciprocal health care agreements

Reciprocal Health Care Agreement - visiting the Netherlands

The Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) we have with the Netherlands may cover some of your medical costs in the Netherlands public health system.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Most useful information

Medicare Safety Net Registration and Amendment for Couples and Families form (MS016)

Use this form to register or amend your family's details for the Medicare Safety Net.

  1. Reciprocal Health Care Agreements
  2. When Australians go overseas

Reciprocal Health Care Agreements - medical care when you travel to another country

To be covered under a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) with Australia, you’ll need to meet the agreement conditions.

  1. Top payments
  2. Australian Immunisation Register

International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate

Use your International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate to show proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations when you want to travel overseas.

Replace a lost or stolen Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card

If your Pensioner Concession Card is lost, stolen or ruined, we can post you a new card if you need one.

  1. Top payments
  2. Low Income Health Care Card

Who can get a Low Income Health Care Card

To get a Low Income Health Care Card your income needs to be below the income test limit.

Search results summary and pagination

273 results, showing 61 to 70
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60185