How much Rent Assistance you can get
The amount of Rent Assistance you can get depends on how much rent you pay.
How to get Rent Assistance
You don’t need to submit a claim for Rent Assistance.
Change of circumstances when you get Rent Assistance
We need to know about changes that could affect or stop your Rent Assistance.
When and where to find mobile service centres
Our mobile service centres (MSCs) travel around Australia, stopping to provide services in rural and regional communities.
Real estate details form (MOD R)
Use this form to let us know your share of a property's asset value and income.
When we pre-fill your information
There are some things you need to know about income, Single Touch Payroll (STP) and other details we pre-fill into reports for you.
Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme payment types
Your child’s living arrangements determine which allowance or supplement you get.
Special rules to get Rent Assistance when you get ABSTUDY Living Allowance
To get Rent Assistance with ABSTUDY Living Allowance, you must meet some special rules.
Employment income reporting
We need to know the gross employment income you and your partner get so we can pay you the right amount.
Scheduled reporting
If you need to report your employment income, it’ll usually be every 14 days, on a date we tell you. We call this scheduled reporting.