How much Rent Assistance you can get
The amount of Rent Assistance you can get depends on how much rent you pay.
When and where to find mobile service centres
Our mobile service centres (MSCs) travel around Australia, stopping to provide services in rural and regional communities.
How to report your income to Centrelink
You can report your employment income in different ways.
Centrelink online account help - Update address, accommodation and contact details
Instructions on how to update your address, accommodation and contact details using your Centrelink online account.
Accommodation and renting
Find out what help you can get from us when you’re renting.
How to get Rent Assistance
You don’t need to submit a claim for Rent Assistance.
How much Crisis Payment for Release from Prison or Psychiatric Confinement you can get
You can get a Crisis Payment for release from prison or psychiatric confinement each time you’re released.
Change of circumstances when you get Rent Assistance
We need to know about changes that could affect or stop your Rent Assistance.
How to manage your Rent Assistance
Your options and obligations for Rent Assistance.
Agents and Access Points - How we can help
What you can do at Agents and Access Points.