Claim for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card form (SA296)
Use this form to claim a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card if you are age pension age.
Benefits of a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
You can get cheaper medical expenses with a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC).
Income test for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
You must meet an income test to get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
How much Crisis Payment for Other Extreme Circumstances you can get
You can get this Crisis Payment once per incident or extreme circumstance.
Proving your identity in person for a Centrelink payment
How to prove who you are in person at a service centre.
Paying tax on a Centrelink payment
You may have to pay income tax on your taxable Centrelink payments.
Who can get the Continence Aids Payment Scheme
You need to meet eligibility for the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS).
How much you can get on the Continence Aids Payment Scheme
Information about how much you can get, how we pay and why it won’t count as income.
Who can get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
You can get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card if you meet certain criteria.
Benefits of a Pensioner Concession Card
With a Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) you can get cheaper medicine, bulk billed doctor visits and help with hearing services.