Most useful information for child health and safety

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Child health and safety
  2. Wellbeing

Support for foster carers and other non-parent carers

We support foster carers, grandparents, kinship carers and informal carers who provide ongoing care for a child.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Most useful information

Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another form (MS011)

Complete this form to copy or transfer someone onto your own Medicare card or another Medicare card.

  1. Top payments
  2. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme

What Assistance for Isolated Children payment you can get and how much

The amount of Assistance for Isolated Children you get depends on your child's living arrangements.

  1. Top payments
  2. Australian Immunisation Register

How to save your immunisation history statement offline

How to save and update your proof of vaccinations offline to the Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

Dec 2024

Help for people experiencing family and domestic violence

There’s help available If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse. It doesn’t discriminate and can happen to anyone.

  1. Medicare
  2. What's covered

Other Medicare support

We have a range of programs to help with some specific health care needs.

Care calendar for when care arrangements for a child changes

Use this calendar to let us know how often you care for a child. We use this to work out your percentage of care to calculate FTB payments and child support.

  1. Top payments
  2. Australian Immunisation Register

How to update your personal details so your details are correct on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

How to control who sees your record on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and getting letters about your record.

  1. Top payments
  2. Australian Immunisation Register

What an immunisation history statement is

You can get 2 types of immunisation history statements.

  1. Top payments
  2. Social work services

How our social work services can help

We can help if you need to turn to someone for support.

Search results summary and pagination

149 results, showing 41 to 50
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60122