Most useful information for Caring for someone

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Top payments
  2. Carer Allowance

How to manage Carer Allowance

Understand your options and obligations for Carer Allowance.

  1. How to keep your payment
  2. Travel outside Australia

When and how to tell us about overseas travel if you get Carer Payment

When you get Carer Payment, you may need to tell us if you or the person you care for are leaving Australia.

  1. Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card
  2. Who can get it

Residence rules for Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card

To be eligible for an Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card you must meet the residence rules.

  1. Top payments
  2. Carer Supplement

How to get Carer Supplement

You don’t need to apply for Carer Supplement. If you’re eligible, we’ll pay it straight into your bank account.

  1. Carer Allowance
  2. How to manage your allowance

Change of circumstances when you get Carer Allowance

We need to know about changes that could increase, reduce or stop your Carer Allowance or Carer Allowance Health Care Card.

  1. How to keep your payment
  2. Reviews

Confirm or update your caring details for Carer Payment

If you get Carer Payment, we may send you a letter asking about your caring details and address. We’ll ask you to confirm or update these details.

  1. How to manage your allowance
  2. Reviews

Medical reviews when you get Carer Allowance

If you’re getting Carer Allowance, we may do a medical review of the person you care for from time to time.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. How to keep your payment

Change of circumstances while getting Carer Payment

We need to know about changes that could reduce or stop your Carer Payment.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Most useful information

Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another form (MS011)

Complete this form to copy or transfer someone onto your own Medicare card or another Medicare card.

  1. Caring for someone
  2. Most useful information

Carer Payment and Carer Allowance review of care provided - Caring for a person 16 years or over form (SA010)

Use this form to tell us about the level of care you personally provide for a person 16 years or over.

Search results summary and pagination

150 results, showing 61 to 70
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60191