Most useful information for Caring for elderly

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  1. Caring for someone
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Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details form (SA489)

Use this form to tell us about your and your partner’s adjusted taxable income for Carer Allowance. This form is for new claims and reviews.

  1. Getting aged care services
  2. Most useful information

Residential Aged Care Property details for Services Australia and DVA customers form (SA485)

Use this form to give us your home details if you get a relevant income support payment.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. How to keep your payment

Change of circumstances while getting Carer Payment

We need to know about changes as they could increase, reduce or stop your Carer Payment.

Transfer Carer Payment or Carer Allowance from child to adult

When a child in your care is turning 16, you can apply to transfer your Carer Payment or Carer Allowance from a child to an adult. Do this to keep getting paid.

  1. Who can get it and how much you can get
  2. Eligible equipment

What are the alternative names for essential medical equipment

Sometimes eligible medical equipment for the Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP) might have a different name.

  1. Top payments
  2. Carer Supplement

Who can get Carer Supplement

You must be getting a certain payment for 1 July to get Carer Supplement for that year.

  1. Top payments
  2. Essential Medical Equipment Payment

How to claim Essential Medical Equipment Payment

Complete the following steps to claim Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP). Before you start, check if you can get it.

Real estate income

This is lease or rent money you get from a property you own. It counts in your income test.

  1. Top payments
  2. Carer Allowance

While you wait for Carer Allowance

There are some things you can do while you wait for your Carer Allowance claim outcome.

Avoid committing fraud

Do the right thing and avoid committing fraud by keeping your details with us up to date.

Search results summary and pagination

233 results, showing 91 to 100
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60152