Most useful information for Caring for elderly

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Relationship changes
  2. Most useful information

Relationship details - Separated under one roof form (SS293)

Use this form if you’re separated but live under the same roof as your ex-partner. This is so we can assess whether to pay you as a single person or as a member of a couple.

What adjusted taxable income is

We use your adjusted taxable income to work out your eligibility for some payments, concessions or services.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Request a document

Instructions on how to view, print and save your documents using your Centrelink online account.

Setting up online accounts for Centrelink

To do your business with us, create a myGov account and link it to Centrelink.

Weekly payment option

Some people can get income support payments paid each week instead of each fortnight.

  1. Growing up
  2. Most useful information

Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313)

Use this form to authorise a person or organisation to be your nominee so they can enquire or act on your behalf with Centrelink.

  1. Top payments
  2. Continence Aids Payment Scheme

Who can get the Continence Aids Payment Scheme

You need to meet eligibility for the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS).

  1. Carer Payment
  2. Who can get it

Income and assets test for Carer Payment

Your rate of Carer Payment depends on what you get paid and own. The person you provide care for also has to have income and assets under certain limits.

  1. Income test
  2. Income

Sole trader or partnership income

Business income is counted in the income test.

  1. Prove your identity
  2. Proving your identity online

How to prove your identity to Centrelink through myGov

How to prove who you are to Centrelink through myGov using the Centrelink identity verification linking option.

Search results summary and pagination

232 results, showing 31 to 40
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60152