Medicare Easyclaim common fields

A guide to understanding common fields in Medicare Easyclaim for general practitioner, specialist, diagnostic and pathology claims.

The table shows:

  • common data elements or fields and their descriptions and use
  • the type of claims where you should fill in the field
  • which health professional can use this field or data element with the claim type.

If you’re using the integrated solution, the fields where you enter data on your EFTPOS terminal or practice management software may be different. Refer to your software vendor, financial institution or software help guide for more information.

Use the filter box to look up common fields.

FieldDescription and useWho can use it
Service type code

Health professionals have to enter information in a claim to distinguish which type of service they’re submitting.

Use different values depending on the type of service you’re claiming:

  • O = general practitioner
  • S = specialist
  • D = diagnostic
  • P = pathology.

General practitioner (GP)




Item override code

Sometimes health professionals have to give more information in a claim so that we can assess the service. The item override code lets health professionals submit information for specific situations. It uses a 2-character indicator so that we correctly assess the service and pay the right amount.

2-character values include:

  • AO = not normal aftercare
  • AP = not duplicate service (am/pm).

General practitioner (GP)




Restrictive override code

Sometimes health professionals have to provide more information in a claim so that we can assess the service. The restrictive override code lets health professionals submit information for specific situations. It uses a 2-character indicator so that we correctly assess the service and pay the right amount.

2-character values include:

  • SP = separate sites
  • NR = not related (care plans)
  • NC = not for comparison.

General practitioner (GP)



Patient contribution amount

The patient contribution amount is for when a claimant has made a part payment contribution towards the account.

It’s only required if the account paid ndicator is set to N.

It shows values in cents, for example 99999 = $9,999.99.

General practitioner (GP)



Location Specific Practice Number

Only use a Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) with:

  • services listed in the Diagnostic Imaging Services Table (DIST)
  • group T2 - Radiation Oncology services in the General Medical Services Table (GMST).

This field is mandatory if these services occur.

For example, if a health professional is performing diagnostic imaging services in a remote location they should include the LSPN when lodging the claim.

An LSPN is 6 numbers.

General practitioner (GP)



Referral issue dateThe referral issue date is the date that the referring provider issued or wrote the referral. It must be in the format of YYYYMMDD.Specialist
Referral period type code

The referral period type code shows how long referrals are valid for:

  • S = standard - referral period is 12 months for GPs and 3 months for specialists
  • I = indefinite period.
Referral override type code

The referral override type code is for when a health professional is lodging a claim and need to indicate why they provided referral services without referral from another health professional.

The values to choose from are:

  • L = lost - a lost, stolen or destroyed referral, only applies to initial attendance items - the health professional should obtain a referral for subsequent attendances
  • E = emergency - referral in an emergency applies to initial attendance items - the health professional should obtain a referral for subsequent attendances
  • N = not required (non-referred).
Request issue dateThe request issue date is the date the requesting provider issued or wrote the request. It must be in the format of YYYYMMDD.



Request type code

Health professionals have to enter information in a claim to distinguish which type of service they’re requesting.

Some values they can use to request are:

  • P = pathology
  • D = diagnostic.



Request override type code

The request override type code is for when a health professional is lodging a claim and they need to indicate why they provided referral services without referral from another health professional.

The values to choose from are:

  • L = lost - a lost, stolen or destroyed referral applies only to initial attendance items - the health professional should obtain a referral for subsequent attendances
  • E = emergency - a referral in an emergency applies to initial attendance items - the health professional should obtain a referral for subsequent attendances.



Self-deemed code

Self-deemed (SD) is an optional element for diagnostic and pathology claims. When the SD value is present, you can’t set request details.

  1. SD - self-deemed is a service provided by a consultant physician or specialist as an additional service to a valid request
  2. SS - substituted service is a service provided that has replaced the original service requested
  3. N - not self-deemed.



Specimen Collection Point

The Specimen Collection Point (SCPId) identifies the site where the pathology specimen was collected.

Note: This field is only available in bulk billing.


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Page last updated: 15 June 2024.
QC 74201