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Centrelink Confirmation eServices for Businesses
Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) is a secure online service that provides an efficient and effective method for businesses to confirm a customer’s entitlement to a concession, rebate or service it provides. Businesses can use the service to do all of the following:
- confirm a customer’s details such as name, address, payment type and concession card status
- provide details on income, asset and payment details
- confirm if a customer is eligible for early release of superannuation in the event of financial hardship.
Businesses must obtain customer consent before accessing any customer information via CCeS. Customers can give their consent to businesses in writing, online or verbally.
Information services for income stream providers
If you are an income stream provider you can send us income stream information for the August and February reviews electronically.
Compensation recovery for insurers
If you are an insurer who is paying someone compensation of more than $5,000 including all legal costs, you are required by law to tell us in case the person you are paying has also been receiving Medicare benefits for their compensation injury.
Read Medicare Compensation Recovery - information for insurers.
If your client receives Centrelink payments, they may be affected by compensation recovery claims. We have compensation information for lawyers and insurers to help your clients, including legislation, forms and a compensation kit booklet.
Read Centrelink compensation information for lawyers and insurers.
Customer information
If you are not an insurer or financial service provider you can read the information for customers about either:
- Medicare Compensation Recovery Program if you get a compensation payment of more than $5,000 including all costs
- Centrelink Compensation Recovery if you receive Centrelink payments.