When you claim online, we’ll tell you what supporting documents you need to give us to complete your claim.
You’ll need all of the following:
- your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN)
- your employer's Australian Business Number (ABN)
- your employer’s contact details
- your bank account details
- your tax file number (TFN).
We’ll also ask for details about all of the following:
- your Australian residency - for example, citizenship papers, passport or other documentation
- periods when you have lived outside Australia
- your income for the financial year before your claim, or before your child’s birth or adoption - whichever is earlier
- your work, including hours worked and any unpaid leave you took.
We’ll also ask for proof of your child’s birth or adoption if you’re claiming after their birth or adoption.
During your claim, you might need to provide some supporting documents. The quickest way is to take a photo of each document and upload it using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.
After your child’s birth or adoption
You must have registered or applied to register your newborn child's birth with your state or territory birth registry. You must tell us in your claim that you’ve done this.
You also need to give us proof of birth or adoption as soon as possible so we can finalise your claim. You have some options for how you give us proof of birth or adoption.
If you give us proof more than 4 weeks after their birth or adoption, we may not backdate your payment.