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Create your voiceprint

You can create your voice print over the phone. A voiceprint is a quick and secure way to prove your identity when you call us.

What is a voiceprint

A voiceprint is another way to use your unique features to identify who you are, similar to a fingerprint.

A voiceprint uses distinctive features in your voice, including its sound, rhythm and pattern. We use your recorded voiceprint to securely prove your identity when you call us.

You don’t have to create a voiceprint, it’s optional.

What you can do with your voiceprint

When you create a voiceprint with us, you:

  • can prove your identity faster when you call us
  • don’t need to use or remember your Personal Identification Number (PIN)
  • don’t need to answer security questions when you call us.

If you have a nominee, they can’t record a voiceprint on your behalf.

How to create your voiceprint

Create your voiceprint by phoning Centrelink or by using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

1. Get ready to create your voiceprint

Have your information ready. You’ll need either your:

  • Customer Access Number (CAN), if you have one
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN), if you don’t have a CAN.

If you got a PIN from your service officer, have that ready.

If you don’t have a PIN, you’ll need all of these:

  • driver licence
  • bank account details
  • Medicare number.

If you have a Health Care Card or Pension Card, have this ready as well.

2. Create your voiceprint

When you phone Centrelink, make sure there is no background noise so we can record your voiceprint.

If you don't have a PIN, follow these steps to create your voiceprint:

  1. Phone us on your regular payment line.
  2. Listen to our recorded messages.
  3. Enter your CAN or CRN if you don’t have a CAN.
  4. Accept the offer of voiceprint by saying ‘Yes’.
  5. Repeat this phrase 3 times, ‘In Australia, my voice identifies me’.
  6. Answer your security questions.
  7. Confirm the information you’ve given us before, such as your driver licence or bank account number.

If you got a temporary PIN from a service officer, follow these steps to create your voiceprint:

  1. Phone us on the Centrelink Phone Self Service Line.
  2. Listen to our recorded messages.
  3. Enter your CAN or CRN followed by your temporary PIN.
  4. Accept the offer of voiceprint by saying ‘Yes’.
  5. Repeat this phrase 3 times, ‘In Australia, my voice identifies me’.

You can also create a voiceprint using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

3. Start using your voiceprint

Follow these steps the next time you call Centrelink or Child Support to use your voiceprint:

  1. Phone us on your regular payment line.
  2. Enter your CAN, CRN or Child Support ID number.
  3. When asked, prove your identity by repeating the phrase ‘In Australia, my voice identifies me’.

When we answer your call, we can see you used your voiceprint to confirm your identity.

To use your voiceprint with our self service line, follow these steps:

How we protect your voiceprint

Voiceprint is secure, accurate and reliable.

Every time you use your voiceprint our system checks your voice against the voiceprint you created. It uses secure technologies to hear parts of your voice that the human ear doesn’t.

When you’ve created your voiceprint, you can use it each time you call us, even if:

  • there’s background noise
  • your accent has changed
  • your voice has changed.

You can even use voiceprint if you have a cold.

It's very difficult for someone to access your personal information. The system can tell when someone is pretending to be you or using a recording of your voice. We won’t give them access to your details.

Read more about how we protect your privacy.

How to delete your voiceprint

You can ask us to delete your voiceprint at any time. For security reasons, you'll need to phone us on your regular payment line and speak to one of our staff.

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Page last updated: 11 August 2022.
QC 29576