How much you can get

We pay JobSeeker Payment every 2 weeks. The amount you get depends on your personal situation.

The amount of JobSeeker Payment you can get depends on all the following:

  • your age
  • if you have a partner
  • if you have children
  • how much income you and your partner have been paid in the past 14 days.

Payment rates

The following table is a guide only of JobSeeker Payment amounts. We update rates on 20 March and 20 September each year.

Your situationYour maximum fortnightly payment from 20 March 2025
Single, no children$781.10
Single, with a dependent child or children$836.50
Single, 55 or older, after 9 continuous months on an income support payment$836.50
Single, assessed as having a partial capacity to work of less than 15 hours a week$836.50

Single principal carer granted an exemption from mutual obligation requirements for any of the following:

  • foster caring
  • non-parent relative caring under a court order
  • home schooling
  • distance education
  • large family.

JobSeeker Payment is a taxable Centrelink payment. You can ask us to deduct tax from your payment. This can help reduce the amount of tax you may have to pay at the end of the tax year.

JobSeeker Payment may affect the amount of child support you pay or receive. You need to tell us if your income changes.

Page last updated: 20 March 2025.
QC 52170