Job Capacity Assessment

You may need to attend an assessment when you claim Disability Support Pension (DSP). If you already get DSP, you may need to do this as part of a medical review.

If we assess your claim under the general medical rules, we may ask you to attend a Job Capacity Assessment. This may be by phone or video conference. If you need to attend, we’ll contact you.

You may also need to attend if you already get DSP. This may be because we need to check if you still meet the DSP general medical rules.

You don’t have to pay for this assessment.

What a Job Capacity Assessment is

This assessment helps us to understand:

  • how your condition affects your ability to work
  • any help you may need to get a job
  • if you’re medically eligible for DSP.

One of our qualified health professionals does the assessment.

They consider the medical evidence you provided with your claim as part of a medical review. They may contact your treating doctors and other health professionals to clarify information about your medical evidence.

What to provide before your assessment

Before you attend your appointment make sure you provide any new medical evidence you haven’t already given us.

You can upload any new medical evidence online using either your Centrelink online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

You can also send it to us by mail.

If you have difficulties providing these documents, you can discuss this during your assessment.

What happens during the assessment

The assessor will talk to you about:

  • your conditions
  • your medical evidence
  • any barriers to work you may have
  • any recent assistance or rehabilitation you’ve had.

They’ll also talk to you about services to help you find and keep a job, if required.

There are things you may need to bring to your assessment. These include aids, equipment or assistive technology you use, such as hearing or visual aids.

You can bring a relative, friend or an advocate to the assessment for support, if you want.

You should allow up to an hour for your assessment.

After your assessment, the assessor writes a report about how your condition affects your ability to work.

What to do if you can’t attend your assessment

If you can’t attend or you have special needs, call us on the number in your appointment letter, before your appointment.

For example, contact us if you prefer an assessor to be of a specific gender to interview you.

What happens if you don’t attend your assessment

If you’re claiming DSP and you don’t attend, we may reject your claim.

If you already get DSP and don’t attend, we may stop your DSP.

What happens after your assessment

We’ll let you know the outcome of your claim or medical review. You may also need to attend a Disability Medical Assessment. If you need to do this, we’ll let you know.

If you want a copy of your report, call our . We’ll let you know if you need to make a formal Freedom of Information request.

Your privacy

The law protects your personal information. The assessor will explain how we’ll use your information.

More information

If you have questions about your assessment, you can call our . You can give us feedback or make a complaint, if you still have concerns.

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Page last updated: 3 December 2024.
QC 29931