Meeting participation requirements if you’re under 35

You may have participation requirements if you get Disability Support Pension (DSP). This is to help you find and keep suitable work.

Participation requirements include activities to help you prepare for and find work. These requirements are flexible. We’ll assess your ability to work and your individual circumstances.

Find out if there is a pause of participation requirements.

When you must participate

You usually need to attend interviews and agree to a participation plan if all of the following apply:

  • you’re younger than 35
  • you can work at least 8 hours per week
  • you don’t have a dependent child younger than 6.

You may need to attend appointments with your employment services provider. Your provider will contact you about this.

You should stay connected with your provider to access support and assistance.

Read about what happens at interviews and how to manage your requirements.

When you don’t need to participate

You don’t need to participate if you’re 35 or older.

If you’re younger than 35, you don’t need to participate if any of the following apply:

  • your condition meets the manifest medical rules
  • you can’t work at least 8 hours per week
  • you work under the Supported Wage System or in an Australian Disability Enterprise.

Temporary exemption from participation requirements

You may get a temporary exemption from your requirements if any of these apply:

  • you’re sick or injured and have a temporary incapacity with a medical certificate
  • you’re affected by a disaster such as a bushfire or flood
  • you’re experiencing a major personal crisis such as family and domestic violence, homelessness or the death of an immediate family member
  • you’re pregnant and it’s 6 weeks before the expected date of birth or 6 weeks after birth
  • you’re overseas
  • you’re in psychiatric confinement.

Generally, you can get an exemption for up to 13 weeks. You may get further exemptions if you’re still unable to participate. Talk to your provider if this applies to you.

When you can choose to participate

If you’re 35 or older, you can ask us about voluntary participation to help you find and keep work. You may still get DSP if you work less than 30 hours a week and meet the income test.

Supported employment

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Page last updated: 20 January 2025.
QC 29341