Special adult status is only recognised for ABSTUDY in the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.
You must be granted special adult status in a traditional Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander coming of age ceremony. Community elders must have approved the ceremony and it must have taken place within the community.
To qualify, you must be 15 or older and all of the following must apply:
- you’re permanent home is in a traditional community
- you live apart from your family once you have special adult status
- you’re living away from your family when we assess you for ABSTUDY.
You may need to give proof that you meet these requirements. You may need to give us both of the following:
- a signed statement from the elder that did your coming of age ceremony, confirming you’ve completed a traditional initiation
- a statement from you confirming your family don’t give you financial support and you live independently in the community.