on this page
Updating your address details
If your Medicare online account is linked to myGov, sign in now to update your address.
You can also:
- use the Express Plus Medicare mobile app
- call the Medicare program.
Make sure we have your correct address details. We need this so we can send you a new Medicare card when your card expires.
Read our online help guides if you need help updating your personal details.
Updating your bank details
If your Medicare online account is linked to myGov, sign in now to update your bank account.
We pay Medicare benefits to you by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
You need to tell Medicare your bank details so we can pay your Medicare benefit to you.
If your bank details are not registered, your Medicare benefits will be held. We’ll pay you when you give us your bank details.
You can also:
- use the Express Plus Medicare mobile app
- call the Medicare program.
Make sure we have your correct bank details. We need this so we can put money in your account when you claim a benefit.
Read our online help guides if you need help updating your bank account details.
Read more about getting Medicare benefits.
Updating your name
You can call us on the Medicare program line to update your name. You’ll need to prove your identity over the phone.
To change your legal name you’ll need to have supporting documents with you when you call us.
You can use any one of the following:
- Australian marriage certificate
- Australian certificate of name change
- Australian birth certificate
- reissued Australian birth certificate in the new name
- birth certificates for Northern Territory (NT) with Aboriginal Population Record (APR).
If you have changed your name overseas and don’t have any of the above supporting documents, tell us. We’ll talk to you about other options.We won’t accept ceremonial certificates as a supporting document.
We’ll send you a new Medicare card when you change your name.
Long names
If your name is long, you might need your own Medicare card.
A name is long if your:
- last name is more than 18 characters
- first name is more than 12 characters
- first name, initial and last name are more than 25 characters in total, including spaces.
If you have a long name and want it to be on your family’s Medicare card, you can shorten it. Your Medicare card will show your shortened name and we’ll keep a record of your full legal name.
Updating your date of birth
You can call us on the Medicare program line to make updates to your date of birth. You’ll need to prove your identity over the phone.
To change your date of birth, you’ll need to have supporting documents with you when you call us.
You can use any one of the following:
- Australian birth certificate
- Australian Drivers licence
- Australian Passport
- Australian Certificate of name change
- Australian Citizenship Certificate
- Immicard
- foreign passport with current Australian visa.
Updating your gender
You’ll need to give us supporting documents as proof for these changes.
To make these changes you can either:
- call us and we’ll tell you what proof we need
- mail or email your request and a copy of proof of the change to Medicare Enrolment Services.
You don’t have to get your supporting documents certified.
If you email us, please include ‘Update personal details’ in the subject line.
Read more about how you can Update your gender.
Updating your details if you’re Indigenous
If you’re Indigenous and don’t have standard identity documents, you can use a referee instead. You and your referee need to complete the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medicare enrolment and amendment form. You can find out who can be a referee on the form.
You can send it to us by mail or email to Medicare Enrolment Services. You should attach copies of the form and supporting documents. You don’t have to get these copies certified.
Call the Indigenous access line if you need help filling out the form.
Updating details when someone has died
If a family member listed on your card dies, you’ll need to let us know. On request, we can reissue a new card.
Find out what else you can do to notify us following a death.
Updating details if you’re affected by family and domestic violence
If you’re affected by family and domestic violence, we can help you update your details. You can call us for help. Do this by calling the Centrelink Employment Services line on 132 850 and ask to speak with a social worker. If you usually call Centrelink on another number, you can also use that number and ask to speak to a social worker. Anything you tell us is private.
We can help you do all the following:
- end an arrangement if someone else has permission to deal with Medicare on your behalf
- transfer to a new Medicare card if it’s unsafe to stay on your current card
- update your personal details to make sure only you get payments and correspondence from us
- speak with a social worker, who can provide free, confidential counselling.
Whatever your situation, it’s important to know there’s support available. Any of our staff can help you access the right support. We can also help you keep your personal details safe.