We have information in different languages about Prove your identity
For Centrelink payments and services, you can call our multilingual phone service.
If you want to claim a payment or concession, you need a Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN). You can get a CRN by proving who you are with us, either:
- online
- over the phone
- in person at a service centre.
If you’re having difficulties getting documents to prove your identity, you can contact us for help.
What happens if you have an authorised nominee
If you have a nominee dealing with us on your behalf, they can contact us to prove who you are. If we can verify your nominee over the phone, we’ll accept your identity details from them. We’ll let your nominee know if we need any further information.
When you need to prove your partner’s identity
Your partner also needs to prove their identity with us, if you’re claiming one of the following:
They can do this over the phone.
If you’re claiming a Low Income Health Care Card, your partner isn’t required to prove their identity if they’re either:
- already getting an income support payment
- a current concession or health care card holder.
If you and your partner are applying for the Home Equity Access Scheme, you’ll need to visit a service centre to prove your identity.
When the person you provide care for needs to prove their identity
The person you care for needs to prove their identity with us if you’re claiming either:
The person you care for doesn’t need to prove their identity if any of the following apply:
- they’re already getting an income support payment
- they’re a current concession or health care card holder
- they’re recorded with us as a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) customer.
If someone you provide care for is turning 16, you can apply to continue getting a payment for them. You won’t need to prove their identity if they’re included in a child to adult transfer for Carer Payment or Carer Allowance.
How to get help proving your identity or the identity of a person you’re a nominee or carer for
If you can’t prove your identity or the identity of a person you’re a nominee or carer for online, you can contact us or visit a service centre. If you contact us we’ll discuss how we can assist you to complete your identity requirements.