Before you start claiming, check who can get it.
When claiming, you need to make sure the information you give us is true and correct. You must base your claim on your actual circumstances.
If you have a Centrelink online account that’s linked to myGov, sign in and start your claim now.
If you don’t have these set up, you’ll need to follow these steps.
Steps to claim Disaster Recovery Allowance
1. Get ready to claim
You can claim online.
If you need help claiming you can call us on the Emergency information line. If you need an interpreter, let us know and we’ll arrange one for you.
If you want to speak to someone in your language, call our Multilingual Phone Service.
If you’re an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australian, you can also call and speak to our Indigenous call centre for help.
You can have someone deal with us on your behalf. This is called a correspondence nominee. They can call the Emergency information line to submit a claim for you. They cannot submit an online claim on your behalf.
If you’re a member of a couple you can both claim this payment. You and your partner must make separate claims.
When making a claim for Disaster Recovery Allowance, you may be asked to prove your identity.
To claim online, you need a Centrelink online account linked to myGov.
2. Set up your myGov account, and link your Centrelink online account
If you don’t have a myGov account, you’ll need to set it up online.
If you have a myGov account, you need to link it to your Centrelink online account. To do this:
- Sign in to myGov
- Select View and link services
- Select Centrelink.
Read more about linking your Centrelink online account to myGov.
3. Make your claim
Now your accounts are set up, sign in and start your claim.
Then follow these steps:
- Select Apply for Disaster Recovery Allowance and answer the eligibility and claim questions
- Submit your claim.
Our Centrelink online account guide on how to claim Disaster Recovery Allowance will step you through this process.
Evidence you may need to provide
We may ask you to give us evidence of your loss of income.
Evidence can include any of the following:
- pay slips from your employer
- bank statements showing previous bank deposits from your employer
- a letter from your employer.
If you’re a farmer, have a small business, or you’re involved in a trust or partnership where you get wages, evidence can also include any of the following:
- profit and loss statements
- income tax returns
- other documents that show cash flow, such as a bank statement for your business
- trust or partnership tax returns that show you have been paid a wage or salary.
If you don’t have evidence, call us on the Emergency information line to discuss your options.
4. After you claim
We’ll let you know if you’ve successfully submitted your claim.
To track the progress of your application online, sign into myGov and select Payments & claims.
You can also use the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.
We’ll try to process your claim as quickly as possible. We may call you to ask for more information. We appreciate your patience at this time.
We’ll let you know the outcome of your claim in one of the following ways:
- myGov inbox message
- letter.
If you want to discuss the outcome of your claim, you can call us on the Emergency information line.
We often see the best come out in people and communities that are affected by a natural disaster. Most people want to do the right thing and help, but there are others who try to take advantage of this stressful time.
Read about how to avoid scams and fraud.
Contact numbers available on this page.
Emergency information line
Call this line if you’re affected by a natural disaster and need help to claim a payment.
There are other ways you may want to contact us.