How much you can get

The amount of Pension Supplement you get depends if you are single or in a couple.

If you areYour basic supplement per fortnight is:Your minimum supplement per fortnight is:Your maximum supplement per fortnight is:
a couple$23.90 each or $47.80 combined$33.90 each or $67.80 combined$63.00 each or $126.00 combined
a couple, separated due to illness, respite or prison$29.00$45.00 each$83.60 each

This is a guide only.

Payments every quarter

We can pay you your minimum Pension Supplement quarterly. This amount builds up daily during the quarter.

Call us on your regular payment number if you’d like to get your supplement quarterly.

We’ll pay you each quarter after all of the following dates:

  • 20 March
  • 20 June
  • 20 September
  • 20 December.

If we cancel your support payment before these dates we’ll pay you what’s owed straight away.

You’re not locked into quarterly payments and can change your mind at any time.

Updating payment rates

We update payment rates for the Pension Supplement each year on both:

  • 20 March
  • 20 September.

Sometimes CPI will affect your payments.

Impacts to your payment

If you get a reduced support payment, you’ll still get the supplement.

Leaving Australia

If you’re travelling overseas or plan to live outside Australia, your payment may change.

Read more about Pension Supplement while travelling outside Australia.

Page last updated: 20 March 2025.
QC 51818