If you’re their usual treating practitioner, find out how to create and manage a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan for your Indigenous patient.
Other health professionals can help eligible practitioners deliver some services for Indigenous patients, including both:
- CDM plan development
- monitoring and support services.
Eligible practitioners can support CDM plan development.
Health professionals who can help include:
- practice nurses
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners
- Aboriginal health workers
- other health professionals.
They can help to prepare, contribute and review CDM items, including all of the following:
- performing patient assessment
- identifying patient needs
- arranging for services.
Eligible practitioners must meet Medicare item requirements, including all of the following:
- reviewing and confirming assessments
- seeing the patient.
Eligible practitioners can deliver monitoring and support services Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items 10997, 93201 and 93203.
Health professionals who can help include:
- practice nurses
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners.
They may provide up to 5 services per calendar year for a patient who has a current CDM plan. The service must be both:
- provided on behalf of and under the supervision of the eligible practitioner
- consistent with the patient’s CDM plan.