Feedback and complaints

Find out how you can make a complaint or provide feedback about Centrepay.

You may like to talk to the business you are dealing with before you provide feedback or make a complaint about Centrepay.

If you’ve talked to the business and can’t resolve your concern with them, provide feedback or submit a complaint to us and we’ll investigate it.

We may refer your feedback or complaint to one of these parties:

  • the business
  • the relevant regulatory body
  • a consumer help organisation.

If you need help using or managing Centrepay, you can read more about:

Centrelink online account

Follow these steps to provide feedback or submit a complaint about Centrepay through your Centrelink online account:

  1. Sign in to myGov and select Submit a complaint or provide feedback from the menu.
  2. Select the Service type General payments and services.
  3. Select the Service detail Centrepay deduction service.
  4. Tell us your feedback or complaint and select Submit.

Online form

If you don’t have a Centrelink online account, you can provide feedback or submit your complaint through our online form by following these steps:

  1. Open the online form and select Begin.
  2. Select Submit a Complaint, then Next.
  3. Read the information and select Continue.
  4. Select who you are, then Next.
  5. Select if you wish to remain anonymous, then Next.
  6. If you chose:
    • Yes, select Continue.
    • No, Complete Your details, then select Next.
  7. Select the Service type General payments and services, and the Service detail Centrepay deduction service, then Next.
  8. Select the box if you have told us about this complaint before. We can link this complaint to it.

Contacting us

If you don’t have online access, you can make a complaint about Centrepay by:

Financial Counselling

If you need help to manage debt and control your money, the National Debt Helpline provides a free, confidential and independent service.

Mob Strong Debt Help provide free legal and financial advice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Regulatory bodies

You can also make a complaint about Centrepay to associated regulatory bodies like the:

Commonwealth Ombudsman

If you’re not happy with the outcome of your Centrepay complaint, you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman through their website.

Page last updated: 1 November 2024.
QC 74517