Travel outside Australia

There are rules about when you can get Family Tax Benefit when you travel outside Australia. The rules also apply if your dependent children go overseas.

If you or your children leave Australia to live in another country, your payment will stop when you depart.

If you or your children’s travel is short term, you’ll normally still get your payment for up to 6 weeks. This includes if your child is studying outside Australia. After 6 weeks, your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A and Part B will stop.

Your payment will also stop when you depart if all of these apply:

  • you or your child travel for more than 6 weeks
  • you return to Australia
  • you then leave again within 6 weeks from that arrival.

You may be able to get FTB for up to 3 years if you’re either:

  • a member of the Australian Defence Force deployed overseas
  • a member of the Australian Federal Police engaged in peacekeeping or capacity building activities overseas.
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Page last updated: 29 June 2023.
QC 31241