Remote Area Allowance
A regular extra payment if you live in a remote area and get an income support payment from us.
Special Disability Trusts
A way for families to plan for the long term care and accommodation needs of someone with a severe disability.
Status Resolution Support Services payment (SRSS)
A regular payment to help with basic living costs while you’re waiting to hear about your immigration status.
Income Management and BasicsCard
You can no longer start on Income Management with a BasicsCard.
High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment
This was support if you worked in a high-risk setting and couldn't earn an income because you tested positive for COVID-19.
Enhanced Income Management and SmartCard
A way to help you manage your money to meet essential household needs and expenses.
My Aged Care face-to-face services
Our customer service officers, and Aged Care Specialist Officers can help you with aged care matters. It’s free to access these face-to-face services.
Utilities Allowance
A quarterly payment to help with household bills if you get certain payments from us.
ParentsNext ended on 31 October 2024. It was a support service for parents with children under 6 who got Parenting Payment.
ABSTUDY School Fees Allowance at home rate
Help with the cost of public school fees for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school students living at home.