Supporting documents

When applying for an aged care calculation of your cost of care, you’ll need to give us some supporting documents.

Why you need to give us documents

As you complete your application, we’ll ask you to provide information and certain supporting documents. We need supporting documents to confirm the information you give us. We can’t assess your application without them.

Which documents you must give us

We’ll tell you what information or documents we need. There’s a checklist at the end of each form to help you.

Which documents you may need to give us

Which documents we may need depends on your circumstances. We’ll tell you in the application which documents you must give us.

Your circumstanceWhat you may need to provide
Your home
  • details of any aged care carer or close relatives living in your home
  • real estate asset ownership documents
  • current value of mobile home, caravan, boat or refundable entry contribution from the retirement village
  • property title showing the legal description of your property
  • rates notice
  • statements showing any amount owing for any mortgages
  • latest account statements for all financial institution accounts held showing account holder’s name, account number and balance
  • superannuation statements for accounts in the accumulation phase showing the number of units held, if applicable, or the dollar amount of the investment
  • superannuation statements for your partner, showing the number of units held, if applicable, or the dollar amount of the investment
  • current schedule for any income stream products
  • documents giving details of all bonds and debentures
  • funeral bonds and funeral investments contract
  • life insurance documents showing the surrender value
  • real estate asset ownership documents for assets fully or partially owned inside and outside Australia
  • rates notices for each property owned
  • mortgage documents confirming the security held for each loan
  • latest statements for any managed investments including number and type of units, if applicable, and APIR code
  • latest shareholder and share dividend statements showing the investment owned, name and number of units or shares owned in the investment
  • latest tax return for any investment properties or latest profit and loss statement with all expenses listed including a breakdown of any amount listed as other expenses.

You may also need to provide:

  • Business details form and all documents as requested on the form
  • Private Company form and all documents as requested on the form
  • Private Trust form and all documents as requested on the form
  • latest balance sheet and profit and loss statement for businesses with all expenses listed, including a breakdown of any amount listed as other expenses
  • Profit and Loss Statement form showing current income if there’s been a change since the latest available profit and loss statement
  • income tax returns
  • documents detailing any cash, assets or property you have given away
  • two most recent payslips from your employer
  • documents detailing any rental income, board or lodgings received
  • receipts showing each lump sum accommodation payment you have made to an aged care home

When we need documents after you submit your application

After you submit your application, we’ll assess your circumstances. If we need more information, we’ll ask you for it. We’ll send a letter to your postal address.

If this happens, we’ll put your application on hold while we wait for the information.

You generally need to provide the documents we request within 21 days. If you don’t, we may reject your application. Call us on the Aged Care line if you’re having trouble providing the information we ask for.

How to submit your documents

You can upload documents in your Centrelink online account. Read more about how to submit your Centrelink documents online.

You can also give them to us by mail or by visiting a service centre. You can mail your documents to:

Services Australia
Residential Care
PO Box 7821
Canberra BC ACT 2610

If you’re a Department of Veterans’ Affairs customer, you can mail your documents to:

Department of Veterans’ Affairs
GPO Box 9998
Brisbane QLD 4001

Contact numbers available on this page.

Services Australia Aged Care line

Use this line to talk about your aged care services, and home care package or aged care home costs.

Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm

There are other ways you may want to contact us.

Page last updated: 20 November 2024.
QC 55785