MBS telehealth items

There are specific Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) telehealth items for health professionals to use.

Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) telehealth (video and phone) items are permanent and available nationally.

Make sure you read the relevant item descriptions, fact sheets and explanatory notes for MBS telehealth services on the MBS Online website.

MBS telehealth items have the same clinical requirements as the corresponding face-to-face consultation items and have the same MBS benefit.

Video services are the preferred approach for substituting a face-to-face consultation. You can provide some services by phone where clinically appropriate. Video and phone services have different MBS item numbers.

You can’t claim telehealth attendance items for services provided to admitted hospital and hospital in-the-home patients, except for some psychiatry MBS telehealth items.

MBS telehealth items can’t be used for email consultations.

Contact us for Medicare provider enquiries.

Chronic Disease Management plans

Chronic Disease Management (CDM) items are for health professionals in general practice to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions.

You can use these attendance items if you’re working in general practice.

Health ProfessionalServiceVideo items
GPPreparation of a GP Management Plan92024
Prescribed medical practitionerPreparation of a GP Management Plan92055
GPCoordinate Team Care Arrangements92025
Prescribed medical practitionerCoordinate Team Care Arrangements92056
GPContribute to a multidisciplinary plan or review of a plan92026-92027
Prescribed medical practitionerContribute to a multidisciplinary plan or review of a plan92057-92058
GPReview a GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangements92028
Prescribed medical practitionerReview a GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangements92059

Read more about CDM plans and the rules for billing MBS Items for CDM plans and Team Care Arrangements.

Better Access initiative - supporting mental health care

Items under the Better Access initiative support patients to:

  • have a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) created by their usual medical practitioner
  • access up to 10 individual psychological treatment services
  • access up to 10 group psychological treatment services.

Telehealth items for eligible practitioners

You can use these attendance items if you’re working in general practice.

Health professionalServiceVideo itemsPhone items
GPPrepare a GP MHTP92112-92113 92116-92117N/A
Prescribed medical practitionerPrepare a GP MHTP



GPReview a GP MHTP9211492126
Prescribed medical practitionerReview a GP MHTP9212092132
GPManage a patient’s mental health condition9211592127
Prescribed medical practitionerManage a patient’s mental health condition9212192133
GPProvide focused psychological strategies services91818-9181991842-91843
Prescribed medical practitionerProvide focused psychological strategies services91820-9182191844-91845

Telehealth services for family and carer participation

You can use these items to deliver up to 2 Better Access services each calendar year to family or carers of the patient.

Health professionalVideo itemsPhone items
Prescribed medical practitioner91862-9186391866-91867
Clinical psychologist91168-9117191198-91199
Occupational therapist91194-9119591202-91203
Social worker91196-9119791204-91205

Any services delivered using these MBS items count towards the patient’s calendar year allocation for individual services, under Better Access.

Read more about these Better Access requirements on the MBS Online website.

Telehealth items for allied health

You can use these items if you’re an eligible allied health professional.

Health professionalVideo itemsPhone items
Clinical psychologist91166-9116791181-91182
Occupational therapist91172-9117391185-91186
Social worker91175-9117691187-91188

Group therapy services involving 4 to 10 patients can be delivered by telehealth for:

  • psychological therapy with a clinical psychologist
  • focussed psychological strategies (FPS) with a psychologist, occupational therapist or social worker.

Your patients must:

  • have both a visual and audio link with you
  • be in an area within Modified Monash regions 4-7
  • be located at least 15 km by road from you at the time of consultation.

You can use these group therapy items if you’re an eligible allied health professional.

Health professionalGroup therapy telehealth items
Clinical psychologist








Occupational therapist




Social worker




Eating disorder treatment and management plans

You can use the following telehealth items for eating disorder treatment and management plans.

Telehealth items for general and medical practitioners

Health professionalServiceVideo itemsPhone items
GP (no mental health skills training)Prepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan92146-92147N/A
GP (with mental health skills training)Prepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan92148-92149N/A
GPReview an eating disorder treatment and management plan9217092176
Medical practitioner (no mental health skills training)Prepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan92150-92151N/A
Medical practitioner (with mental health skills training)Prepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan92152-92153N/A
Medical practitionerReview an eating disorder treatment and management plan9217192177

You can use these attendance items if you’re registered with Medicare to provide focussed psychological strategies (FPS).

Health professionalServiceVideo itemsPhone items
GP (FPS)Provide eating disorder psychological treatment services





Medical practitioner (FPS)Provide eating disorder psychological treatment services





Telehealth items for psychiatrists and paediatricians

Health professionalServiceVideo items
Consultant physician in psychiatryPrepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan92162
Consultant physician psychiatryReview an eating disorder treatment and management plan92172
Consultant physician in paediatricsPrepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan92163
Consultant physician in paediatricsReview an eating disorder treatment and management plan92173

Telehealth items for allied health professionals

Health professionalServiceVideo itemsPhone items
DieticianDietetics service of at least 20 minutes9307493108
Clinical psychologistEating disorder psychological treatment for an individual patient





PsychologistEating disorder psychological treatment for an individual patient9308793121
Occupational therapistEating disorder psychological treatment for an individual patient





Social workerEating disorder psychological treatment for an individual patient





Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders and eligible disabilities

MBS telehealth items are available for assessment, diagnosis, creation of a treatment and management plan, and allied health treatment.

Telehealth items for medical practitioners

ServiceServiceVideo itemsPhone items
Consultant paediatricianReferral for allied health assessment



Consultant paediatricianAssessment, diagnosis and development of a treatment and management plan92140N/A
Consultant psychiatrist
  • Referral for allied health assessment
  • Review of treatment and management plan








Consultant psychiatristAssessment, diagnosis and development of a treatment and management plan92434N/A
Specialist or consultant physician
  • Referral for allied health assessment
  • Review of treatment and management plan








Specialist or consultant physicianAssessment, diagnosis and development of a treatment and management plan92141N/A
  • Referral for allied health assessment
  • Review of treatment and management plan






GPAssessment, diagnosis and development of a treatment and management plan92142N/A

Telehealth items for allied health professionals

Health professionalServiceVideo itemsPhone items
PsychologistAllied health assessment service9303293040
PsychologistAllied health assessment service9303593043
Speech pathologistAllied health assessment service9303393041
Speech pathologistAllied health assessment service9303693044
Occupational therapistAllied health assessment service9303393041
Occupational therapistAllied health treatment service9303693044
Audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapistAllied health assessment service9303393041
Audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapistAllied health treatment service





Read more about billing Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders and eligible disabilities.

In-patient psychiatry services

You can use these items if you’re a consultant psychiatrist for the admission and some subsequent consultations with inpatients in private hospitals.

These items are in place temporarily, until 31 October 2026.

ServiceVideo items
Attendance of more than 45 minutes92483
Attendance not more than 15 minutes92478
Attendance is at least 15 minutes92479
Attendance at least 30 minutes92480
Attendance at least 45 minutes92481
Attendance at least 75 minutes92482

Practice nurses

You can use these items if you’re an eligible practice nurse.

There are requirements you must meet to bill these items.

If you perform these services on behalf of a supervising medical practitioner, you can claim these items using the medical practitioner’s provider number.

ServiceVideo itemsPhone items
Antenatal service9185091855
Chronic condition management attendance9320193203
Follow-up service after a health assessment for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander patient9320093202

Participating midwives

You can use these items if you’re an eligible midwife and have provided antenatal and postnatal services to a patient.

There are requirements you must meet to bill these items.

ServiceVideo itemsPhone items
Attendance item to provide antenatal services91211-9121291218-91219
Attendance item to provide postnatal services91214-9121591221-91222

If you perform these services on behalf of a supervising medical practitioner, you can claim these items using the medical practitioner’s provider number.

ServiceVideo itemsPhone items
Antenatal service on behalf of, and under the supervision of, a medical practitioner9185091855
Postnatal attendance on behalf of and under the supervision of the medical practitioner9185291857

Find out more about MBS telehealth services on the MBS Online website.

Nurse practitioners

You can use these items if you’re an eligible nurse practitioner.

There are requirements you must meet to bill these items.

ServiceVideo itemsPhone items
Attendance for an obvious problem9119291193
Attendance less than 20 minutes9117891189
Attendance at least 20 minutes9117991190
Attendance at least 40 minutes9118091191
Attendance at least 60 minutes91206N/A

Find out more about MBS telehealth services on the MBS Online website.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners and Aboriginal health workers

You can use these items if you’re an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner or Aboriginal health worker.

There are requirements you must meet to bill these items.

ServiceVideo itemsPhone items
Individual allied health service for chronic disease management9300093013
Follow-up allied health service for people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent9304893061

If you perform these services on behalf of a supervising medical practitioner, you can bill these items using the medical practitioner’s provider number. These items don’t apply for patients admitted to hospital unless noted otherwise.

ServiceVideo itemsPhone items
Telehealth support service10983N/A
Follow up service for an Indigenous patient who has received a health assessment9320093202
Monitoring and support for a person with chronic disease9320193203
Antenatal service9185091855
Page last updated: 1 March 2025.
QC 74250