Check MBS Item numbers

Check items using Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) and Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Online to confirm patient and claim eligibility.

Check items using HPOS

The MBS items online checker lets you:

  • view and check patient eligibility based on their MBS history
  • check your own eligibility for claiming or billing MBS items
  • check claiming conditions for MBS items.

This checker helps you make informed treatment decisions and avoid rejected claims.

You can access the checker in HPOS with a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account. If you don’t have one, you can register for a PRODA account. Then follow the steps to set up your HPOS access.

Log on using PRODA

Using the checker

To use the checker:

  1. Select Items in HPOS, and then MBS items online checker.
  2. Enter your Patient’s Medicare details.
  3. You need to declare you’ve received the patient’s consent to do the search.
  4. Select the Provider number and Location from the first dropdown boxes.
  5. Use Search item number to find a specific MBS item or Filter by care plan to filter the items by the Care plan type.
  6. Select which MBS item number you want to check, you’ll get a short description if you hover over an item number.
  7. Review your Selected items if you’re checking multiple MBS items.
  8. Select Check items to do the item check.

The search results will show the patient’s eligibility for each item you selected. It’ll also tell you if there are any conditions for your patient with the result.

Some MBS items have restrictions related to the provider number linked to your practice location.

If you’re checking a care plan item number, enter this individually so the result is accurate and doesn’t have conflicts.

Check items using MBS Online

MBS Online has a search function to help you find MBS items. You can search by both:

  • keywords
  • item numbers.

Find out more about how to search the MBS at the MBS Online website.

Latest changes to the MBS

Read the latest news on the MBS Online website to see if there are any changes to item numbers.

Page last updated: 9 December 2024.
QC 72003