School leavers resource eKit

Resources about student payments to share with school leavers, other students and their families.

We know you play a big role in helping students and their families with the transition after high school. We’ve created a school leavers resource eKit to help you. Please use it to share information about our payments and services for students.

School leavers resource eKit

By using this eKit, you agree to use our resources in the exact form we provide them. You must not change the designs in any way.

What’s in the eKit

You’ll find a number of useful resources to use and share with families and students.

If you use assistive technology you may not be able to access the eKit. If this happens, read more about leaving school or call us on the Youth and students line.

ResourcesHow they can help
Guide to the eKitRead this guide before you start using the resources.
PowerPoint presentationThis presentation gives an introduction to our payments and services for students and trainees.
Fact sheetsPrint or share these digitally to help students learn about our payments, myGov, managing your money and careers in the Australian Public Service.
Easy readPrint or share this digitally to help students learn about managing their money.
EmailAn email to send your students to help them find support after year 12.
YouTube video linksShare links to the videos in our Education playlist.
PostersPrint and display these in your school or training centre to promote Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY and the support available for rural and remote students.
Infographic on steps to claimingShare this online or print to help students claim a payment from us.
Social media tilesShare these tiles on your social media accounts.
Fact sheet on the Tertiary Access PaymentPrint and share this with regional, rural or remote students in year 12 who are moving for tertiary study.

What other resources are available

We have other resources you can find that aren’t in the resource eKit.

We have translated publications for students in their language about all of the following:

Our ABSTUDY eKits can help you share information about ABSTUDY payments.

You can also read about how else you can help students learn about Centrelink payments.

Contact numbers available on this page.

Youth and students line

Use this line for help with payments for students, apprentices and trainees of any age, and job seekers under 22.

Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm

If your payment has stopped, it may be because we need your parents’ or guardians’ income information. Read more about how they can update their income details online.

If you need help with an ABSTUDY payment call the ABSTUDY line.

Waiting on your claim to be processed?

Claims take longer to process at the beginning of the semester when a lot of people claim at once.


There are other ways you may want to contact us.

Page last updated: 3 December 2024.
QC 60265