Most viewed payments for Having a baby

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Separated parents
  2. Most useful information

Separation details form (MOD S)

Use this form to let us know you’ve separated from your partner.

  1. Looking for work
  2. Most useful information

Profit and Loss Statement form (SU580)

Use this form if you are a sole trader, subcontractor or a partner in a partnership that has started new employment or a new business.

Someone to act for you with Medicare, Centrelink, aged care or Child Support

You can ask someone to act for you with Medicare, Centrelink, aged care or Child Support. You can authorise them to speak to us, update your details and get payments for you.

  1. Medicare
  2. How to enrol

Enrolling your baby in Medicare

You can enrol your baby when you claim some family payments or by using a form.

  1. Child Care Subsidy
  2. How to claim

Confirm enrolment for Child Care Subsidy

Before we can pay you Child Care Subsidy (CCS), you need to confirm your child’s child care enrolment.

Changes if you get family payments

There are some changes that may affect you if you get family payments.

Proving your identity over the phone with Centrelink

How to prove who you are over the phone.

What are immunisation requirements

Your child must meet immunisation requirements if you get Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A or child care fee assistance.

  1. Newborn Upfront Payment and Newborn Supplement
  2. How much you can get

Payment options for Newborn Upfront Payment and Newborn Supplement

We’ll pay these to you based on your payment choice for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A.

Assets test for allowances

We use the assets test to help us work out if you can be paid an allowance and how much you'll get.

Search results summary and pagination

357 results, showing 91 to 100
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60115