Rural customers and primary producers
Some rural properties and farms have more than one title or larger blocks than residential properties. The asset test rules are different for these properties.
What are primary school levels for child care fee assistance
We need to know when your child starts primary school and secondary school. We may ask this when you claim child care fee assistance.
When you’ll get your first Parenting Payment
Parenting Payment is a fortnightly payment. We’ll tell you when your first payment is after we approve your claim.
How we assess granny flat interests
You need to tell us the value of the granny flat interest so we can assess if this affects your payments.
Report a change in circumstances for Child Care Subsidy
You need to tell us if your circumstances change when you're getting Child Care Subsidy.
Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf (outside Australia) form (AUS221)
Use this form if you want to nominate a person or organisation outside Australia to act on your behalf with Centrelink.
Funeral bonds and prepaid funerals
Funeral costs you pay for in advance normally don’t count in your assets test for payments from us. There are some exceptions.
Overdrawn bank account
You can get help to access your money if you have an overdrawn bank account.
Changing your Child Care Subsidy enrolment details
If your enrolment ends or your details change, you should let us know. If your enrolment ends, your Child Care Subsidy will stop.
Newborn Upfront Payment and Newborn Supplement amount for shared care and blended families
If you share the care of your child or have a blended family your payment amount depends on your circumstances.