Most viewed payments for Having a baby

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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Real estate income

This is lease or rent money you get from a property you own. It counts in your income test.

  1. Separated parents
  2. Most useful information

Objecting to a Child Support decision form (CS1893)

Use this form to object to a child support decision we made that you disagree with.

  1. Child Care Subsidy
  2. How to claim

How to understand your Child Care Subsidy assessment

Information to help you understand your Child Care Subsidy assessment notice.

Income maintenance period

This waiting period may apply if you or your partner have stopped work and got leave or redundancy payments.

Time limits for submitting lump sum claims and confirming income for Family Tax Benefit

You have one year from the end of the financial year to confirm your family income for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or claim FTB as a lump sum.

  1. Top payments
  2. Family Tax Benefit

What can affect your Family Tax Benefit

The amount of Family Tax Benefit you get will depend on your family income and circumstances.

  1. Top payments
  2. Child Care Subsidy

How to manage your Child Care Subsidy

If you get Child Care Subsidy, you are required to keep your information up to date. You can do this by regularly checking your details are correct.

Immunisation medical exemptions

You may be able to get an exemption from having a vaccine if there is a valid medical reason.

  1. Asset types
  2. Gifting

What gifts we include in income and assets tests

We may include your gift if you give away, sell or transfer it for less than its market value.

  1. Having a baby
  2. When your baby arrives

Submit your claim if you didn’t do a pre-birth claim

If you didn’t do a pre-birth claim, you can start a claim after the birth of your baby.

Search results summary and pagination

357 results, showing 181 to 190
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60115