Most viewed payments for Growing up

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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Setting up online accounts for Centrelink

To do your business with us, create a myGov account and link it to Centrelink.

Mutual obligation requirements

Mutual obligation requirements are tasks and activities you agree to do while you get some payments from us. Penalties may apply if you don’t meet them.

  1. Growing up
  2. Teenage years

What happens when your child turns 16

When your child turns 16, your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) may change. Your child may be eligible for a payment. They can also register as an organ donor.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Add a nominee

Instructions on how to add a nominee using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Family Tax Benefit
  2. What can affect your payment

Family Tax Benefit when your child is 16 to 19 or stops studying

When your child turns 16 or stops studying after they turn 16, your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) may change.

Proving your identity online for Centrelink

How to prove who you are to Centrelink online.

  1. Raising kids
  2. Growing up

Early education

Find out about early childhood education and child care options. This can help you choose the right service and get support for your family.

  1. Family Tax Benefit
  2. How to manage your payment

Payment choices for FTB

You can choose how you get Family Tax Benefit (FTB) if you claim it fortnightly.

  1. Growing up
  2. Most useful information

Request for Medicare claims information form (MS031)

Use this form to request Medicare claims information for individuals and families.

  1. Assets test
  2. Asset types

Real estate assets

Information about how real estate assets affect your payment under the assets test.

Search results summary and pagination

468 results, showing 71 to 80
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60118