Your activity level affects Child Care Subsidy
The hours of subsidised care you can get per fortnight depend on the hours of recognised activities you do.
Employment Separation Certificate form (SU001)
You can ask your previous employer to use this form to certify important employment information about you.
Concession and health care cards
Concession and health care cards can get you cheaper health services and medicines.
Residence rules for Child Care Subsidy
To be eligible for Child Care Subsidy you must meet the residence rules.
How to claim Parenting Payment
Complete the following steps to claim Parenting Payment.
Australia Day public holiday closure
Your Centrelink payment and reporting dates may change due to the upcoming public holiday.
Changing your care arrangements
If the amount of time you care for a child changes, this may affect your payments and services.
Deeming rules are used to work out income from your financial assets. We add this to your other income and apply the income test to work out your payment rate.
Who can get Rent Assistance
You can get Rent Assistance if you get certain payments from us and pay rent.
Your number of children in care can affect your higher Child Care Subsidy
You may get a higher Child Care Subsidy if you have more than one child aged 5 or younger in care.