Most viewed payments for Growing up

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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Checking your enhanced Income Management account balance

You can check your enhanced Income Management account balance in different ways.

  1. Energy Supplement
  2. How much you can get

Payment rates for Energy Supplement on Youth Allowance

If you get Youth Allowance the Energy Supplement amount you get depends on your and your partner’s circumstances and the payment or services you get.

  1. Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
  2. Who can get it

Approved courses of study and institutions for Assistance for Isolated Children

The student must study full time in an approved course at an approved institution to get Assistance for Isolated Children.

  1. Enhanced Income Management and SmartCard in the Northern Territory
  2. How it works

Exemptions for enhanced Income Management and SmartCard in the Northern Territory

Read about who can get an exemption from enhanced Income Management.

  1. Top payments
  2. Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS)

What the benefits of Centrelink Confirmation eServices are

CCeS saves you time and effort.

  1. Electronic messaging
  2. How to manage your messages

Update your electronic messaging contact details

If you change your mobile number or email address, you need to tell us straight away.

  1. What your commitments are
  2. Getting a medical certificate

What happens when you give us a medical certificate for Parenting Payment

We use your medical certificate to work out if you need an exemption from your requirements for a short time. This is so you can keep getting Parenting Payment.

  1. Housing
  2. Most useful information

Information you need to know about reporting employment and using the Earnings Worksheet form (SU505(i))

Information about how your payment is affected by income from full time, part time or casual employment and what other assistance we may also provide.

  1. What can affect your payment
  2. Travel outside Australia

When you hold a temporary visa and travel overseas if you get Family Tax Benefit

You can’t get Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A or Part B overseas for any reason if you hold most temporary protection type visas.

  1. How to manage your payment
  2. Travel outside Australia

When you hold a temporary visa and travel overseas if you get Child Care Subsidy

You can’t get Child Care Subsidy overseas for any reason if you hold most temporary protection type visas.

Search results summary and pagination

469 results, showing 381 to 390
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60118