Response to application to change your assessment - Special circumstances form (CS1971)
Use this form to respond to a change of child support assessment application.
How much Double Orphan Pension you can get
You can get $79.90 a fortnight. Double Orphan Pension is a non-taxable payment.
Travel outside Australia rules for Rent Assistance
The travel rules for your main payment affect your Rent Assistance when you travel outside Australia.
Change of circumstances for Additional Child Care Subsidy
You need to tell us if your circumstances change when you’re receiving Additional Child Care Subsidy.
Enhanced Income Management and SmartCard in the Northern Territory
You can access your enhanced Income Management account with a SmartCard. Read about the rules in the Northern Territory.
How to manage your Assistance for Isolated Children payment
Your options and obligations for Assistance for Isolated Children.
Supporting documents for Additional Child Care Subsidy as a grandparent
When you apply for Additional Child Care Subsidy Grandparent, you may need to give us evidence.
No reasonable access to school conditions for Assistance for Isolated Children
You might be eligible if the child you’re claiming for doesn’t have daily access to a suitable government school.
Tax Deduction Authority form (SU066)
Use this form to authorise us to deduct tax from your Centrelink payment.
Assistance for Isolated Children annual circumstances review
We review you and your child’s circumstances at the end of each year. We do this to check if you can keep getting Assistance for Isolated Children.